To protect you from scam SMS, Club Care / HKT Care has joined the SMS Sender Registration Scheme by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA). We will only send SMS message to Hong Kong mobile users by using registered sender ID "#ClubCare", "#HKTCare" or "#HKT_IA" to help you identify the true source.

?- Must be 6 weeks to 17 years old
- Direct relationship with the "Parents". Not other people's children.
Benefit Highlights
Cash Support
Worldwide Support
When things go wrong, it's important to have the right support. International SOS - whose affiliates spanning over 1,000 locations across the globe to assist you 24/7.
Leisure and amateur sports cover
Amateur Sports Cover
TravelCare covers amateur sports activities while on holidays, from bungee jumping, scuba diving to even skiing and snowboarding. If you consider yourself spontaneous, we are a perfect match!
Coverage anytime, anywhere
Click To Claim
No more complicated claim forms for travel delay or baggage/ travel bag damage. Click-to-claim feature makes claiming hassle-free.

Disclaimer: The features above are indicative only. Please refer to the Product Brochure for details and the terms and conditions.

Maximum Limits (HK$)
Plan A
Plan B

Disclaimer: The features above are indicative only. Please refer to the Product Brochure for details and the terms and conditions.

  1. 戰爭(不論已宣戰與否)、內戰、外敵行動、叛亂、軍事或篡奪行動。
  2. 核危機。
  3. 恐怖主義活動(除了由恐怖主義活動所導致的人身意外、醫療費用、全球緊急支援服務、 旅程延誤、旅程取消、縮短旅程項目則受此旅遊計劃承保)。
  4. 投保前已存在之傷疾、先天及遺傳性疾病。
  5. 自殺、蓄意自我傷害、神經錯亂、墮胎、流產、懷孕及其併發症、分娩、性病、 服用酒精或非由註冊醫生處方的藥物、牙齒護理(因意外而損壞健全的牙齒除外)。
  6. 任何種類的競賽(徒步進行的比賽除外)或任何職業性質的運動或受保人可能或可以賺取收入或報酬的運動。
  7. 任何空中活動,除非受保人(i)以付費乘客身份在認可及持牌航空公司的航機上, 或(ii)所參與之活動是由另一位持牌人士帶領下負責操縱及航行,而該活動的舉辦者亦獲當地有關當局授權。
  8. 任何未能於24小時內向有關機構報告(例如:航空公司、警署)及未能提供由相關機構證實的報告。
  9. 傳呼機、手提便攜式通訊器材、電腦器材(手提電腦及遺失手提電話除外)。
  10. 任何非法或不合法的行為。
Major Exclusions
  1. War (whether declared or not), civil war, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, military or usurped power.
  2. Nuclear hazards.
  3. Acts of Terrorism (Except arising from the Personal Accident, Medical Cover, Worldwide Emergency Services, Travel Delay, Cancellation Charges and Trip Curtailment as a result of Acts of Terrorism are covered by TravelCare).
  4. Pre-existing condition, congenital and hereditary condition.
  5. Suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self-inflicted bodily injuries, insanity, abortion, miscarriage, assigned complications, pregnancy, child-birth, venereal diseases, the use of alcohol or drugs other than those prescribed by a qualified registered physician, dental treatment (unless resulting from accidental bodily injury to sound and natural teeth).
  6. Racing (other than on foot) or any sports or games in a professional capacity or where the Insured Person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sports.
  7. Any activities in the air unless an insured person is (i) travelling as a fare paying passenger in a licensed aircraft operated by a recognised airline, or (ii) participating in an activity of which the maneuver or navigation is managed and controlled by another licensed person and the provider of such activity must be authorised by the relevant local authority.
  8. Losses which are not reported within 24 hours to the authorities (such as airlines, police) and failure to provide the report certified by the relevant authorities.
  9. Pager, handheld portable telecommunication equipment, computer equipment (except Lap Top Computer and loss of mobile phone).
  10. Any illegal or unlawful act.
  1. 年齡限制
    個人 - 投保人年齡介乎18歲至85歲 (全年保障計劃為70歲)
    子女 - 指年齡介乎6星期至17歲而於整段旅程期間均與投保人同行的未婚子女
    個人及子女 - 即投保人及上述所指之子女,並不限制子女數目
    家庭 - 即投保人、其配偶及上述所指之子女,並不限制子女數目
  2. 18歲以下兒童必須由成人同行及一同投保。
  3. 如受保人不幸身故,本計劃之賠償將按照香港法例給予受保人之遺產受益人。
  4. 此保障只適用於由香港出發及回境之旅程。
  5. 單次旅遊計劃每一旅程保障期最長為180天,而全年保障計劃則為90天。
  6. 除全年保障計劃外,保險證明書一經簽發,保費概不發還。詳情請參閱產品保單條款。
  7. 申請人及受保人必須為香港身份證持有人。
  8. 出發日期必須為保單生效起90日內。


  1. Age Limit
    Individual - Refers to the Insured Person aged between 18 and 85
    Children - Refers to dependent & unmarried children who is/are 6 weeks to 17 years of age travelling with the Insured Person during the entire journey
    Individual & Children - Refers to Insured Person and his/her children defined above with no limit on number of children
    Family - Refers to the Insured Person and his/her spouse and children as defined above with no limit on number of children
  2. Children under age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult who is also insured under the same insurance policy.
  3. In the event of the death of an Insured Person, the beneficiary shall be that person’s estate according to the laws of Hong Kong.
  4. This Insurance is only valid for travel originating from and returning to Hong Kong.
  5. The maximum duration of journey is 180 days for single trip cover and 90 days for annual cover.
  6. Except for annual cover, no refund of premium is allowed once the insurance certificate has been issued. Please refer to the Policy Provision for details.
  7. The Applicant and Insured Person(s) must be a Hong Kong ID cardholder.
  8. Departure date must within 90 days after policy effective date.

(This summary gives only an outline of the insurance cover. Please refer to the insurance policy for the precise terms and conditions)